bintohex <inFile> [outFile] -s[1,2,3] [-i]

 /Bintohex/ converts a binary file into Motorola S-Record or Intel
 Hex format files.  Hex format files are used by many brands of
 EPROM or Flash EPROM programming devices, and are accepted by
 by most vendors of mask ROM.
     inFile      Binary input file.
     outFile     Output file.  If no output file is specified,
                 /bintohex/ writes to the console.
     -s[1,2,3]   Specify Motorola S-Record format.
                 SX      = File type, S1, S2 or S3.
                 nn      = Number of bytes, not including nn
                 [addr]  = Address.  S1=4 bytes, 64K limit
                                     S2=6 bytes, 16MB limit
                                     S3=8 bytes, 4GB limit
                 DD..DD  = Data
                 cc      = Checksum, 0xff-Sum of bytes on line
     -i          Specify Intel Hex format.  64K bytes maximum.
                 xx   = Number of bytes on line
                 aaaa = Address
                 rr   = Record type, 00=normal, 01=end
                 DD   = Data (xx bytes worth)
                 cc   = Checksum, 0-Sum of bytes on line

Converted using GuideML V1.6, a converter written by Richard Körber <>